This item is scheduled to arrive in February 2024. This page will be updated as the latest information (release dates and additional products) becomes available.
2/7 (Wed) 18:00 G2-Kangaroo Core , Multi Split Core , VSH-G2 , Waist strap , MEDIC POUCH-V2 , Micro GP Pouch , EXGP POUCH , etc. are all back in stock!
2/9 (Fri) 18: 01.57” DROP DOWN ADAPTER
2/14 (Wed) 18: 00VTG x Tamura Equipment Development Latest Collaboration / QUICKHOOK-POINT
2/19 (Monday) 18:00 HLMT MJ2 restock
2/20 (Tue) 18:00 Hand Guard Wrap restocked, Hand Guard Wrap / Wide newly arrived
2/21 (Wed) 18:00 Kydex Insert/M4-G2 restocked, 1.57” DROP DOWN ADAPTER restocked
2/22 (Thu) 12:00 New arrival of Holster Plate Skin
2/23 (Fri) 12:00 [VTG × HAMOTO] Sticker Pack.Vol-2
2/26 (Mon) 18:00 New Squadron Patch ( ※Scheduled )
2/28 (Wed) 18:00 BLITZ TAC PRO / New arrival, limited quantity, first lot
2/29 (Thu) Out of stock equipment restocked