It is scheduled to arrive in March 2024. This page will be updated as the latest information (release dates and additional products) becomes available.
3/6 (Wed) 18: 00Satan's Beetle Plate Bag / All colors
3/6 (Wed) 18: 00Cummer Bund-2R / All colors
Orders for limited edition T-shirts and hoodies begin on Friday, March 8th at 6pm
3/13 (Wed) 18:00 ModularBag mini / TypeE
Friday, March 15th, 12:00 3MI × VTG collaboration products , order-only T-shirts and hoodies are closed
March 19th (Tue) 6pm VTG × JÄGER CRAFT DESIGN / Roll up Dump pouch Unreleased colors added, new lineup of monochrome patch series
3/22 (Fri) 18:00 All out-of-stock equipment will be restocked! ( MEDIC POUCH-V2 , Ext.POUCH , Ext.POUCH / wide )
3/27 (Wed) 18:00 Limited quantity BLITZ TAC PRO final lot
3/29 (Fri) 18:00 UNDER ZIP POUCH V2 / UNDER ZIP POUCH / Wide Final lot