Multisplit-RIG / JGSDF

Multisplit-RIG / JGSDF

Type 2 camouflage styling with various pouches set up based on the MULTI SPLIT CORE-G2 SET .

The MULTI PURPOSE MAG POUCH (with flap removed and bungee tab attached), FLASH BANG POUCH , and EXGP POUCH are attached to the surface molding of the left core. A TQ/CAT HOLDER is attached to the side molding of the EXGP pouch.

Two ELASTIC INSERTs/M16 and a WIDE INSERT POUCH are inserted inside the core and secured with Velcro.

The right side of the core has a similar layout, with a PISTOL MAG POUCH+FLAP attached to the flashbang pouch attachment point on the left side.

An INSERT POUCH is inserted and fixed inside this core.

The back features the classic Bactrian backpanel .

Squadron Patch / Sign-Black

Squadron Patch / Thunderbolt-Black

Other Type 2 camouflage equipment list is here . VTG rig setup is here .

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