The plate carrier is MULTICAM's DAGGER PLATE CARRIER / M4+Panel

An SS-POUCH/M4×2 is attached to the left side of the cummerbund, and a flashbang is carried.

On the right side of the cummerbund, there is a TQ/CAT HOLDER and a ROLL UP DUMP POUCH Desert Tiger design, a collaboration between JÄGER CRAFT DESIGN. On the chest, there is an EUD HOLDER for carrying an Android device.

Rear image

The sling is the Desert Tiger model from SERPENT SLING-Narrow, a collaboration with 3MI.

The first line is the BLITZ TAC BELT , which comes with various pouches and holsters.

A MULTI PURPOSE MAG POUCH is attached to the right back of the cummerbund, and a smoke grenade is carried (the flap is adjusted to be shorter). The back of the belt is equipped with the stable MEDIC POUCH-V2 . The GRENADE POUCH is attached facing downwards in the free space so that it is easy to take out.

The flap of the PISTOL MAG POUCH + FLAP was removed, and the magazine was fixed with a Kydex insert , making it an open-top design. A Lightning PATCH with a laser-engraved contour camouflage was attached to the remaining Velcro used to secure the flap.

For a list of other Multicam equipment, click here